Do I need a contractor?

Most of the time, but not always… If you own and occupy the building or structure, Florida Statute 489.103(7) allows the owner of real property to act as their own contractor. (This exemption does not apply to properties owned by corporations, trusts or businesses.) This exemption may only be used if you own and occupy the structure. However, as an “owner-builder”, you must perform and complete all of the work yourself, or, you must personally supervise any work not done by you. When you hire a contractor to perform specific trade work they must be properly licensed in those trades. (Electrician, plumbing, air conditioning contractors and roofers in accordance with state law).

Important! If you hire any person to help you perform the work, you must act as an employer! As an employer you are required to provide insurance and withhold taxes (or issue a 1099 form to the IRS).

Owners, acting as their own contractor, or listed as a subcontractor, (yes, you can be a subcontractor under a general contractor’s license, AND still be an “owner-builder”), you are required to personally appear and sign the permit application per F.S. 489.103(7).